When Does Ramadan 2019 Start?
Ramadan month starts when the crescent moon becomes visible on 29th or 30th of Shaban. On 30th Shaban moon of Ramadan can be seen by naked eye or telescopes very easily, if weather remains clear. According to the sources and calculations it has estimated that the first day of Ramadan kareem 2019 will likely to be happen on 6th May in the some parts of the world. While the rest of all countries will observe 1st Ramadan of 1440 Hijri on Tuesday, 7th May. Check below for exact details. Meanwhile, it is always recommended and better to keep an eye and wait for the announcement from Fiqh council / Hilal committee / mosque in your local.
Ramadan Calendar
Ramadan calendar start and end dates for years:Year | First Day of Ramadan | Last Day of Ramadan | How long is Ramadan |
2015 | Thursday, June 18 | Friday, July 17 | 30 Days |
2016 | Tuesday, June 7 | Wednesday, July 6 | 30 Days |
2017 | Saturday, May 27 | Saturday, June 24 | 29 Days |
2018 | Thursday, May 17 | Thursday, June 14 | 29 Days |
2019 | Monday, May 6 | Tuesday, June 4 | 30 Days |
2020 | Friday, April 24 | Saturday, May 23 | 30 Days |
2021 | Tuesday, April 13 | Wednesday, May 12 | 30 Days |
2022 | Sunday, April 3 | Monday, May 2 | 30 Days |
2023 | Thursday, March 23 | Friday, April 21 | 30 Days |
2024 | Monday, March 11 | Tuesday, April 9 | 30 Days |
Note: The dates shown in Ramadan calendar are general which are applicable for UK, USA, UAE, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Canada, Australia, etc. The Ramadan 2019 dates may vary country to country and depends on local sighting and / or calculation method of Ramazan crescent visibility. Download beautiful and accurate Ramadan timetable 2019 with all days suhoor and iftar schedule for each country and city by entering your email below or clicking on your country name.
When Is the First Day of Ramadan 2019 In USA
In USA, on evening of Sunday, 5th May, a moon crescent will become visible and can be seen optical aid. So in Hijri 1440, the first day of Ramadan 2019 in USA will start from Monday, May 6th.How Long is Ramadan 2019 USA
The Ramadan karim in USA is calculated to be 29 days long, as the crescent moon of Shawwal can be seen using optical aid on June 3rd, if weather conditions remain clear. So, Monday, 3rd June is the last of Ramadan 2019 in USA.Ramadan in India
Has very few chances but it is expected that the people of India will observe Ramzan mubarak 2019 start on two dates, 5th and 6th May, respectively. States, cities and people of India who follow Hijri Committee of India for Islamic dates will observe Ramzan sharif first day on Monday, 5th May. As Hijri Comittee of India generally announce Islamic month start dates on behalf of crescent visibility anywhere in the world. While, the rest of Indian Muslims who uses local sighting of moon method for hijri dates will observe first Ramadan date on Tuesday, 7th May, Insha'Allah.When Does Ramadan 2019 End?
According to our astronomical math, it has been calculated that the last day of Ramadan is differ for different world continents. For example, the last day of Ramadan 2019 is 3rd June for Hawaii and Polynesian Islands, North and South Americas. While there are also greater chances that most of European, African, Middle East, Asian, south-east Asian, and some communities of Australia will observe last day of Ramadan 2019 on June 4th. Check below for exact details on country basis. By the way, It is highly recommended to wait to ensure the end date of Ramadan 1440 and start of Shawwal 1440, officially as per your local governments.About Ramadan
It is an obligation upon all Muslims to fast during the month of Ramadan. The month of Ramadan is the month of forgiveness and mercy, and any deeds done in this month will be rewarded 10 times more. During this month, Muslims keep fasts for the sake of ALLAH (Subhanahu wa ta'ala) from dawn to sunset. Muslims also pray, and remember ALLAH (Subhanahu wa ta'ala) in a special way called "dhikr" (which means to remember ALLAH), and also does all acts of worship. In Ramadan, a Muslim should not only fast by giving up food, but also fast with his/her tongue, ears, eyes, meaning they should avoid ~ saying bad, hearing bad, and seeing bad.It is also very beneficial to give sadaqa (charity) during the month of Ramadan to poor and needy. Not everyone has food to eat for their pre-dawn meal (Suhoor) or to break the fast (Iftar), so by giving out food or money you're helping your brothers and sisters in Islam to keep fast for ALLAH (Subhanahu wa ta'ala) or feed them the meal to break their fast which is greatly rewarded by ALLAH (Subhanahu wa ta'ala).
The reward of feeding a fasting person is that you will get the same reward as the fasting person without any reduction from their rewards. SUBHANALLAH!
So my brothers and sisters, Fast and Feed others and, keep me in your dua, InshaALLAH.
Useful Tips for Ramadan
* Praying Salah
* Making Dua
* Giving Charity
* Reciting Qur'an
* Dhikr - remembering ALLAH (Subhanahu wa ta'ala)
* Helping your Parents/Family or even a stranger with the hope of Allah's reward.
* Holding yourself back from committing a sin
Any Act That You Do For The Sake of ALLAH (Subhanahu wa ta'ala) is I'badah!
* Brothers, go to the Masjid to pray your salah. Sisters, it is best to pray your salah / salat / namaz at home.
* Pray your sunnah and nawafil prayers
* Don't miss the Taraweeh prayers (which is also a sunnah)
* Get closer to ALLAH by praying in last 3rd of the night
* Try to achieve khushu (concentration) in prayers and dikhr
Fard - Fard = obligatory, pray your 5 daily fard salah
Sunnah - for our beloved prophet Muhammad (Sallahu alaihi wa sallam), "Anyone who prays their daily 12 rakah' sunnah after the fard salah, jannah is promised by ALLAH." (of course the 5 pillars must be completed)
Nawafil - Pray those extra prayers for yourself which will benefit you in the hereafter, in your grave and on yaumul qiyamah.
Tajweed - learn to recite Qur'an correctly
Tilawat - (recitation) read the entire Quran at least once in your life time
Tarjuma - (understanding) - Read the translation of the Qur'an and try to understand it's meaning.
Tafseer - go over tafseer
Tadabbur - take time out to ponder over the verses.
Tahfeez - memorize some surahs / ayaahs
Keep your tongue moist with the remembrance (dhikr) of ALLAH. Dikhr morning, evening, after adhan / salah, before sleeping.
* Dua is a form of worship
* Ramadan is one of the best time to make lots of dua as it is the month of forgiveness mercy, and freedom from helfire.
* Memorize duas from Quran and Sunnah
* Make dua for all Muslims
* Dua at: Iftar time, Tahajjud, while fasting
Dawah in Ramadan:
Dawah is a duty upon all Muslims.. so give dawah wherever you can.. you can start by giving dawah to your family
"An Iftar invitation to your relatives and Muslim friends and remind them about Islam.."
" If you have non-Muslim friends, invite them over for Iftar and introduce them to Islam.. teach them why we Muslims fast during Ramadan because many of them do not know."
"Perform 'Umra in the month of Ramadan, as it’s (reward) is equivalent to having performed Hajj with Me (Hazrat Mohammad (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam))!" Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith 3.86 Narrated by Ibn Abbas. SubhanALLAH!
*Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) used to perform I'tikaf during the last 10 days of Ramadan"
* I'tikaf can only be done in the masjid with proper guidelines.
* Zakat purifies the wealth (2.5%)
* You're investing for your future.. even though zakat is one of the pillars of Islam but once you give that zakat, ALLAH (s.w.t) will give you much more than you can ever think of.
For each charity you give your will get soo much more from ALLAH (InshaALLAH).
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 2, Book 24, Number 513: Narrated by Asma.
'The Prophet said to me, "Do not withhold your money, (for if you did so) Allah would with-hold His blessings from you."'
*When giving out zakat, start with your poor relatives then moving on to neighbors and then ones who are most in need (that could be any miskeen).. please google or contact your nearest mosque for the proper guidelines for Zakat.
* Proper eating )not over eating
* Sleeping )not excessive)
Bad Habbits:
* DO not watch or look at anything that might be sinful
* Chatting on phone; Avoid from useless talks
* Internet surfin; Unnecessary wasting time
* Gossip (Gheebat); Eating flesh of dead brother (in faith).